Maintenance steps of Eston Palletizing robot
Release-Zeit:2023-08-10 14:42:06
Erstens: Maschinenreinigung
First, disconnect the power supply and remove debris around the machine. Wipe the surface of the machine with a clean cloth to ensure that there is no dust, grease and other impurities. For the cleaning of the inside of the machine, professionals are required to operate.
Two: Look at the machine parts
View all parts of the machine, including cables, sensors, motors, and mechanical parts. Ensure that the connection of all components is strong and will not loosen or fall off. If there is any problem, it needs to be repaired or replaced in time.
Three: Smooth machine
According to the instructions of the machine, regularly add the smoothing agent to the machine parts. This ensures that the machine components work smoothly and prevents wear between machine components.
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