
Der Siemens S7-1200 verfügt über drei Klassifizierungen von internen Lagerbereichen

Release-Zeit:2023-03-01 16:36:59

The internal storage of the S7-1200 is divided into three types: working storage, loading storage and holding storage.

Loading storage area:

Non-volatile storage area. Used to store user project files (user programs, data, and configuration).

If the memory card is not used, the TIA PORTAL software is used to download the project to the CPU built-in load storage area.

If a memory card is used, the user will download the project to the memory card by using the TIA PORTAL software, that is, the memory card is used as the loading storage area.

Note: With large capacity memory cards, you can expand the load storage area

The symbol names and comments in the project can also be downloaded to the load store, which greatly facilitates debugging and maintenance.

Working storage area:

It's a volatile storage area. The CPU copies some project content from the mount store to the working store when executing user programs. After a power failure, the contents in the working storage area are lost after a power failure and cannot be extended.

Hinweis: Bei einer Speicherkarte mit großer Kapazität kann der Arbeitsspeicherbereich nicht erweitert werden


Speichern von Prozessdaten einer bestimmten Einheit bei einem CPU-Stromausfall, um sicherzustellen, dass Daten bei einem Stromausfall nicht verloren gehen

Der Siemens S7-1200 verfügt über drei Klassifizierungen von internen Lagerbereichen